Colorado Springs Summer Mini Sessions

It's been a long, hard, strange season, friends. Yet here you are, loving your family, enjoying nature more than ever, thankful for your home, and watching your little people grow like weeds.I want to help you remember these days - give you a chance to mark this moment in time in a way that will have you reminiscing about it for years to come.A few milestones were missed. Birthdays were celebrated more quietly. But I want you to come out of this season having a piece of it documented forever.Therefore, for the first time in Good Photo history, I'm hosting summer mini sessions!Here are the details; What: 20 minute session + 20 full-resolution digital filesWhere: Monument Valley Park near Colorado Springs' Old North EndCost: $350When: July 24 - 6:00, 6:30, 7:00 AND July 25 - 4:30, 5:00, 5:30, 6:00, 6:30, 7:00, 7:30With only 10 spots available, I expect these sessions to fill up fast! Email me at Becky (at) good-photo (dot) org to reserve your spot today.PS - The lovely Yocom family chose Monument Valley Park for their family shoot last summer. I know you'll love this beautiful setting too! Colorado Springs mini session Colorado Springs mini session Colorado Springs photographer Colorado Springs photographer Colorado Springs photographer Colorado Springs family photographer Colorado Springs family photographer Colorado Springs family photographer Colorado Springs mini sessions Colorado Springs family photos Colorado Springs family photographer Colorado Springs family photos Colorado Springs photographer Colorado Springs family photos


Sunday Morning with the Ferrara Family {Mundane Moments Documentary Family Photography}


Fresh ideas for you, Mama