Saturday Morning with a Party of 5

Family life. It’s wild, y’all. It’s mundane and exciting all at once. One minute you’re feeling a little bit bored and the next you’re a little overwhelmed because there’s just so much to do.

And things that never concerned you before - like the color and size of your Saturday morning pancakes - now are of UTMOST importance.

I spent an amazing Saturday morning documenting this precious party of 5 and all their mundane and exciting moments. Pajamas, pancakes, craft-time, a walk to the park and allll the little moments in-between. I watched Danielle and Alexxis expertly and lovingly parent their tiny tribe and captured all the joy and frustration that comes with that hard and tender work.

Danielle and Alexxis have a truly incredible story about how they met and built their family.

Hint; they added a newborn to their lives…at a moments notice…at the height of the pandemic.

And I’m so honored to have been a part of a team of artists who told Danielle and Alexxis’s story through a short documentary film.

Curious? Watch it here!

And enjoy this little glimpse into a beautiful, regular Saturday morning.


Kyle Family - A day in the life of my own party of 5


A Little 2021 Recap