Kyle Family - A day in the life of my own party of 5

If you’ve been around for a bit, you may have noticed that I’m big on celebrating the mundane. Mom life, family life, kid life - it can all become a bit boring and the days and days of sameness begin to feel insignificant.

But when I study these days - really slow down and LOOK at them - I see that they are chock full of the good stuff. Each moment stacks upon the next until they add up into a day and then into a week and then a month and then a year. And like grains of sand, these millions of moments each become important because they are what make up my life. And my husband’s life. And each of my kids’ beautiful and fresh and tender lives.

I photograph our mundane moments quite often - more often than my kids would prefer. And each year I choose a day to capture our moments all day long.

I shot this day a whole year ago. A WHOLE YEAR. And it took me all of 365 days to work with and post these photos. But I did it and I’m so happy to share them with you today.

Setting these photos aside and coming back to them a whole year later gave them new meaning. There are SO MANY things I would have forgotten had I not captured this day. Moments - grains of sand - that would have slipped away forever. I know there are hundreds of things that I forget about our days - but these moments on this particular day will be with me forever.

Like the way Yates used to like to drink his milk from a coffee cup at breakfast. Or how much I LOVED Geneva’s haircut with bangs. I had completely forgotten how proud Geneva was of her first lost tooth and how much DELIGHT Yates expressed when watching Mark use the snowblower.

Had I not captured this day, I would never have remembered that for this period of time we listened exclusively to the Hamilton soundtrack in the car and that the Mighty Ducks movie could make Briggs do a true, loud belly-laugh.

I’m so thankful that I captured Briggs eating dinner in his hockey uniform - he was too hungry to change - and that I will now always remember the chaos of trying to do laundry with two littles involved.

So enjoy a little peek in to an average, mundane, nothing-special-about-it, home-from-school, snow day, day-in-the-life of the Kyle family. From a year ago.

And while you look at these photos, if you’re thinking that you’d like to have your family captured this way too, drop me a note and let’s chat about it.

I’d love to capture your family’s every-day-mundane just like I did for Joe & Lauren, Beth & her girls, and Alexxis & Danielle! I promise you, it’s an investment you won’t regret!


The Prisock Family


Saturday Morning with a Party of 5