The Prisock Family

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - just because your kids are “older” DOES NOT mean you can stop having your family photographed. Friend, teens are FUN. And if you’ve got ‘em, you know how funny and quirky and full of personality they can be. They might scowl at you when you say it’s time for family photos, but believe me, deep down they love it.

Actually, sometimes they love it not so deep-down.

I’m finding that the years fly faster as my kids get older. I’ve got a pre-teen of my own now and I just want to grab at his ankles and beg him not to fly away.

Photos have a way of doing that. Of allowing us to hold on to our kids while they fly away. Keeping the memories ever so fresh and close to our hearts as our kiddos keep marching forward toward new and exciting things.

Friends, have those big kids photographed. Sure, the outfit choosing process may be a little more (a’hem) eventful these days, but it’s worth it. I promise you it is. These are the days. Keep them close.

Has it been too long since your last photo session? Drop me a line here and we’ll chat about what kind of session might be right for your family!


Colorado Springs Newborn Photos at Home || Platt Family


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